Artist William Rhodes

In Part 1, artist William Rhodes talks about growing up in Baltimore, some similarities between there and San Francisco, moving to The City, the art of the Mission, and establishing his own art experience here.

William's show, Threaded Memories, is up at the African American Art and Culture Complex now through Aug. 2. He'll be giving an artist's talk there next Thursday, July 25, at 6 p.m. Through various media, the show celebrates the now-diminishing African American population of San Francisco.

In Part 2, William talks about the 3.9 Art Collective and how it influenced his latest show, Threaded Memories. The exhibition, up at the African-American Art and Culture Complex now through Aug. 2, celebrates the community that lived in the Fillmore during that neighborhood's "Harlem of the West" days. To kick off the show, William held a party called Juke City in which he invited folks to dress up in Jazz Era clothing, see a burlesque show, and be treated to a few numbers by none other than Fillmore Slim.

William will be giving an artist talk as part of the exhibition at the AAACC on July 25 at 6 p.m. You can follow the 3.9 Collective on Facebook.

Check out some of these shots from Juke City:

We recorded this podcast at William's home in Noe Valley in June 2019.

Film photography by Michelle Kilfeather


Specs Co-Owner Elly Simmons


Hip-Hop Writer Joy Ng