Yeva Johnson's Career Working with Death

Yeva Johnson is a musician, a physician, and a poet. She works with patients at end of life, doing what she can make to make that transition as peaceful and harmonious as possible. For this podcast, she talks about medical school, including work she did with AIDS patients in Africa. She moved to San Francisco in 1990 and immediately began working with AIDS patients at General Hospital in Ward 5A. Her set involves a set of lessons she's learned throughout her career and it ends with Yeva playing a song on the flute.

This episode is taken from our first live event, Working with Death. It was recorded at the Cafe du Nord in San Francisco in April 2018.

In case you missed it, here is Mason J.'s set from that same show:

Episode 31: Mason J.'s Poems and Stories of Survival

Film photography by Michelle Kilfeather


Artist David Brooks and Photographer Bhautik Joshi


Food Journalist/Publisher Stephen Satterfield